F2F Class Notes 13th December (Tanya)


to wheeze – when you make sounds when you breathe

e.g. Tanya always wheezes when she has a cold.

synonyms – different words for the same thing

e.g. Eggplant and aubergine are synonyms.

to take something for granted – to not be grateful for something, to assume that it’ll always be there

e.g. In Europe, we take clean air for granted.

Prague – 布拉格

Octopus – 鱿鱼


Zoo –  a place you go to see animals

e.g. Cynthia has only seen snakes at the Zoo.

fluffy – 毛毛的

e.g. Small panda’s are like fluffy little balls

owl – 猫头鹰


they will come to China for spending Chinese new year – they will come to China to spend Chinese new year here

The dumpling has a lot of different meanings – The dumpling has a lot of different names 

It didn’t have a specific name in English – It doesn’t have a specific name in English

I never have been to abroad – I have never been abroad