F2F Class Notes 13th April (Raph)


Maximum (adj): 1- being the largest amount or number allowed or possible.
E.g.: The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.

Minimum (adj): 1- the smallest amount or number allowed or possible
E.g.: We need a minimum of ten people to play this game.

Instead (adv): 1- in place of someone or something else.
E.g.: There’s no coffee – would you like a cup of tea instead?

Luggage (n): 1- the bags, suitcases, etc. that contain your possessions and that you take with you when you are traveling.
E.g.:  We bought some new luggage for our trip.

Reconsider (v): 1- to think again about a decision or opinion and decide if you want to change it.
E.g.: He begged her to reconsider.

Policy (n): 1- an official plan or set of ideas about how to do something. 2- 政策
E.g.: No smoking is company policy.

Involve (v): 1- If an activity, situation, etc. involves something, that thing is a part of the activity, etc.
E.g.: United Airlines promised to review their plan of action in situations involving overbooked flights.

Needs more review

Verb = action = something you do.
E.g.: to be, to do, to play, to eat, to look, to sing, to go, to walk, to dance, to drink, to love, etc..

Noun = name of a thing, a person, an animal, a place, etc.
E.g.: Elinda, Raph, table, computer, chair, cup, Shanghai, phone, America, dog, etc..

Pronouns = words we use instead of a noun.
E.g.: I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They, Your, His, My, Mine, Them, Their, etc..

Adjectives = describes a noun or a pronoun.
E.g.: beautiful, hot, cold, fat, thin, painful, big, small, useful, useless, good, bad, etc..

Adverb = a word that describes a verb, adjective or another adverb and answers one of the following questions:

  • How: easily, happily, loudly, quickly, well, slowly, sadly, etc..
  • How often: never, always, every day,  frequently, seldom, often, sometimes..
  • When: now, after, before, early, yesterday, today, soon, since, etc..
  • Where: here, there, home, inside, near, outside, away, everywhere, etc..


Maximum: /ˈmæk.sə.məm/

House: /haʊs/

Horse: /hɔːrs/


Foreigner: /ˈfɔːr.ə.nɚ/

Heart: /hɑːrt/

Hurt: /hɝːt/

When: /wen/

Reconsider: /ˌriː.kənˈsɪd.ɚ/

Policy: /ˈpɑː.lə.si/

Police: /pəˈliːs/

Please: /pliːz/