F2F Class Notes 13th April (Raph)[W]


Artifact (n): 1- an object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest.
E.g.: The museum’s collection includes artifacts dating back to prehistoric times.

Malicious (adj): 1- intended to harm or upset other people.
E.g.: He complained that he’d been receiving malicious phone calls.

Outbreak (n): 1- a time when something suddenly begins, especially a disease or something else dangerous or unpleasant
E.g.: The president promised to fight the recent bird flu outbreak.

Infect (v): 1- to pass a disease to a person, animal, or plant. 2- If a place, wound, or substance is infected, it contains bacteria or other things that can cause disease.
E.g.: All the tomato plants are infected with a virus.
E.g.: The inspection has revealed that the meat has been infected.

Pest (n): 1- an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops.
E.g.: They are trying to fight common pests such as rats, mice, or cockroaches

Pesticide (n): 1- a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants, and other unwanted organisms.
E.g.: The pesticides that farmers spray on their crops kill pests, but they can also damage people’s health.

Organic (adj): 1- not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants and animals for food and other products.
E.g.: The pie is made with organic apples.

Virus (n): 1- 病毒

Bacteria (n): 1- èŒ


I write a something. – I wrote something.

Writing exercise


I read an article which said that sushi is not as healthy as we thought. One of the reason is that the fish tuna are dwindling. This is not healthy for our environment. The other reason is that the ocean is being polluting. The little fish ate harmful thing, then they be eaten by the big fish like tuna. So we eaten the harmful thing indirectly. That remind me think of another question. What food is healthy now? Meats may not be healthy, they are high calorie and you may get cardiovascular disease with eating too much meat, and not to mention avian influenza. We thought seafood and vegetables are healthy, but now they became dangerous because of the environment pollution. So maybe we should not spend time on thinking about what can we eat, we should think about what could we do to deal with the pollution or how to make less pollutant.


I read an article that said that sushi is not as healthy as we thought. One of the reason for that is that tuna fish populations are dwindling, which is not healthy for our environment. Another reason is that the ocean is being polluted and little fish eat some of these harmful pollutants. When big fish, like tuna eat the smaller ones, and we then eat them, we indirectly eat those harmful pollutants.

That leads me to another question: Is any food actually healthy nowadays? Meat isn’t healthy. They have lots of calories and eating too much of it may cause cardiovascular disease, not to mention avian influenza (bird flu). We used to think that seafood and vegetables were healthy, but now they have became dangerous because of environmental pollution.

So maybe we should not spend time thinking about what we can eat, and instead we should think of ways to deal with pollution.


Fastest: /ˈfæs.təst /

Juvenile: /ˈdÊ’uË.vÉ™.nÉ™l/

Cardiovascular: /ËŒkÉ‘Ër.di.oʊˈvæs.kjÉ™.lÉš/

Avian: /ˈeɪ.vi.ən/

Influenza: /ˌɪn.fluˈen.zə/