F2F Class Notes 13th April (Jesse)


When did you last drink yoghurt? where did you go? what did it taste like? describe the place you bought it.


I went to a place |——-| It was very far from my home |——|

he just taught me half because we had no time

here / there / home 
eg. go here / go there / go home

work / school 
eg. go to work / go to school

everything else – cafes / restaurants …. 
eg. go to a cafe / go to the restaurant

it has – describes ownership / possession

there is – describes a place / situation


warm = nice / friendly

ticklish = yang yang (funny)
itchy = yang yang (uncomfortable)

Speaking exercise

I went to there with my boyfriend because changzhou has a dinosaur park. and we had a hot spring in changzhou for 1 hour or 2 hours. In there has a special hot spring, the fish hot spring. We sat down in the hot spring and the fish eat your dead skin. Its ticklish, and funny. The hotel was expensive but it’s really good because it’s dinosaur theme but it’s really expensive.

I went there with my boyfriend because changzhou has a dinosaur park. and we had a hot spring in changzhou for 1 hour or 2 hours. There is a special hot spring, the fish hot spring and we sat down in the hot spring and the fish eat our dead skin. It was ticklish, and funny. The hotel was expensive but it was really good because it was dinosaur themed but it was really expensive.