F2F Class Notes 12th March (Celeste)
Even I don’t know the names of the main characters. (CARE ic ters)
Judy dreamed to be a police when she was young.
Judy dreamed to become a police officer since she was young.
Judy dreamed of becoming a police officer when she was a young rabbit.
Even everyone told her it was not suitable for you. – Even when everyone told her it was not the best fit for her.
She tried her best to achieve to be a police officer. – She tried her best to become a police officer.
But her boss arranged/told/pushed/ordered/commanded her to take care of/police the traffic in the city.
traffic cops – officers who direct traffic
There was Chinese writing/were symbols/were characters/were subtitles on the screen.
voice/voices (voi sez)
noise/noises (noi zez)
parking ticket – when a person parks their car in a wrong area or at the wrong time or runs out of money on the meter, police officers/traffic cops leave tickets
parking meter – the machine where you put your money for parking
popsicle (pop sick ull) – frozen treat usually made from juice
They are thought as unhonest. – They are thought of as dishonest.
vendor/seller/shopkeeper/sales associate
customer/s – remember to say the ‘er’
He wanted to made it to many popsicles. – He wanted to make it into smaller popsicles.
The rabbit found their action. – The rabbit discovered what they had done.
sly/sneaky like a fox
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