F2F Class Notes 12th January (Tanya)


to go on holiday – to go on vacation

e.g. It’s my last day of work before I go on holiday

semester – school years are usually divided in two semesters

e.g. Students have exams at the end of every semester.

trimesters – when school years are divided in three parts, the parts are called trimesters

e.g. At Shanghai University, the school year is divided in three trimesters.

thesis- 论文

e.g. Your supervisor will help you with writing your thesis.

rural – the opposite of urban, countryside,

e.g. In rural areas in China, the education rate is much lower.

tuition – school fee

e.g. Tuition in American universities is really high.

dorms – 宿舍

e.g. I live in the dorms on campus.

Speaking exercise

When I were at university – When I was at university


data – date


我怕冷 – I don’t like being cold