F2F Class Notes 12th December (Selma)


Speaking exercise

To apply to college.

I think my English is still not fluent.


college (n) – a smaller upper-level school that focuses on a few majors within the same or very similar field, usually within a university

e.g.Harvard’s most famous college is the Law School.

university (n) – an upper-level educational institution that allows for research and studying within many fields of interest, usually consists of smaller schools/colleges

e.g.Although Harvard’s name is “Harvard College” it is a university.

to be due by… – something has to be completed and submitted by certain time

E.g. The portfolio is due on the 31st

halfway (there) – something is 50% complete 

E.g. Lina is halfway through with hrf portfolio

to get back at / to get someone for doing something – to get your revenge on someone because they did something to you

E.g. Lina will get her colleagues for being mean to her


Acceptance – AK-SEP-TANS