F2F Class Notes 12th April (Tony)


I take line 1 from tonghe to shanghai railway station and transfer to line 2 to my company.

I take line 1 at tonghe then line 2 at Shanghai railway station to arrive at zhongshan park.

What city are you from?

I’m from shanghai.

they have factories in vietnam and cambodia

rear – opposite of front

eg: The rear of my car was damaged, because the car behind me hit my car.


He/She/It + V. + S           It takes me an hour to get to work.

I/You/They/ We + V.         I take line 1 from tonghe to shanghai railway station and transfer to line 2 to my company.

to – used for go to.

have you been to….?

in – in a place

how long have you been in ……?

at – at a place

how long have you worked at DSV?  I have worked at DSV for 8 months.

Writing exercise

Original –

When I was graduated from College ,my friend decided to a graduation trip …After our disscusion ,we stated our first trip to Thailand on May-1-2008,The kindom of Thailand lies in the heart of south east Asia..it’s very hot.when we arrived in BKK,we visited the grand palace and temples.which I deepest impress is thailand’s fruit .It’s not only cheap but also sweet .we ‘re almost going to buy every day…Thai people is very polite .when they met you ,they will say “sa wa di ka”In additional to mentioned ,thai’s man is very beautiful .local people called “Shui jin jin”Heard to due to the family is poor …so they have to change their sex ..become to girls ….in order to get more money ….


When I  graduated from College  my friend decided to plan a graduation trip …After we talked about it ,we started our first trip to Thailand on May-1-2008. The kingdom of Thailand lies in the heart of south east Asia so it’s very hot. When we arrived in Bangkok, we visited the grand palace and many other temples. what impressed me the most was thailand’s fruit. It’s not only cheap but also sweet . we went to buy fruit almost every day…Thai people are very polite, kind and friendly .when they meet you ,they will say “sa wa di ka”Besides that ,thai men are very beautiful .local people call them “Shui jin jin“I heard it’s because the family is poor …so they have to change their gender ..to become girls ….in order to get more money ….


Vietnam – Vee-yet Nahm

Career – Ka Reer

Rear – Reer

food –  Fu d(e)

Fruit – Frew T’