F2F Class Notes 11th May (Dan)


Trump-card – The most powerful piece in a game/or strategic decision.
eg. Releasing the photos to the press was the politicians trump card over his opponent.

Wildcard – volatile, can change its application and difficult to predict the outcome
eg. I don’t think we should give the new employee more responsibility as he is a bit of a wildcard.


Through t.v watching – Through watching t.v

Speaking exercise

I have skin in the game – I have a vested interest.

Head it off at the pass – Tackle a problem before it gains speed.

Pulling teeth – Painful and difficult actions.

Slow on the uptake – Slow to take on new information, slow to “get with the program”, slow to implement new changes.


The book I was talking about is called “Japanese Rules: Japan and the Beautiful Game” by Sebastian Moffett. It will be good for practicing your reading on a topic you are very interested in.