F2F Class Notes 11th June (Tanya)


grit and spit – courage and the courage to talk about it

e.g. How many congressmen have the necessary grit and spit

exploits – venture, a thing you’re doing

zero-day – a zero-day (also known as zero-hour or 0-day) vulnerability is an undisclosed computer-software vulnerability that hackers can exploit to adversely affect computer programs, data, additional computers or a network.

perp walk – perpetrator walk, the walk to the police car that someone has to do when they get arrested

e.g. A perp walk is very shameful.

swell –  a very old way of saying something is “cool”

out of one’s element – that someone is not in their strongest area

e.g. Birds are out of their element in the water. Fish are out of their element in the air.

he’s out of his element and stuck in mine (he’s stuck in my element)

no filter – there’s nothing stopping me from saying whatever I want. I have no filter. I’m not holding back.

ex – ex-boyfriend, ex-wife, ex-husband, … People you used to date/be together with.


the four elements – wind, earth, water, air