F2F Class Notes 11th July (Harmony)

My trip is happily, but too tired – My trip was happy/good, but too tiring./ But made me tired.

I followed with him – I followed him./ I had to follow him/ I had to keep up with him.




Last Saturday Howie and I went to attend an activity in Shanghai Museum of Public Security.  That was a sunny day, so we took metro to get there.  It tooks us about 50 minutes.  Howie always likes to take metro and bus because he likes sit on the seat to look at everything he interests.  When he feels something strange, he usually asks some questions.  He always focus on the views on the way.  At 9:20 we arrived there, and the activity was started at 9:30 and finished at 11:30.  During the two hours we firstly visited the museum and got lots of knowledges about police and fire. Then we watched a stage show about fire, the show was about a little boy who was interested in playing games and when he met the fire the show taught us how to deal with the fire.  At last the firemen took the children to visit a fire truck and introduced the equipment to them.  All the children were focused on the introduction, especially my son.  On the way to home he told me he wants to be a fireman in the future.


Angela Edited:

Last Saturday Howie and I went to an activity in Shanghai Museum of Public Security.  That was a sunny day, so we took the metro to get there/ so we went by metro.  It tooks us about 50 minutes to get there.  Howie always likes to take metro and bus because he enjoys sitting on the seat and watch everything he is interested in.  When he finds something strange, he usually asks me some questions/about it.  He is always focused on the view.  At 9:20 we arrived there, the activity was started at 9:30 and finished at 11:30.  During the two hours we first visited the museum and got lots of knowledge about police and fire. Then we watched a stage show/play about fire, the play was about a little boy who was interested in playing games and met the fire. The show taught us how to deal with the fire when we met. I think it’s very important to know it.  At last the firemen took the children to visit a fire truck and introduced the equipment to them.  All the children were focused on the introduction, especially my son.  On the way to home he told me he wants to be a fireman in the future but I don’t want him to be. 

Edit Together:

Last Saturday Howie and I went to an activity at the Shanghai Museum of Public Security.  That/it  was a sunny day, so we took the metro to get there/ so we went by metro.  It took us about 50 minutes to get there.  Howie always likes to take the metro and the bus because he enjoys sitting on the seat and watching everything he is interested in.  When he finds something strange, he usually asks me some questions/about it.  He is always focused on the view.  At 9:20 we arrived there, the activity started/was starting/was scheduled to start at 9:30 and finished at 11:30.  During the two hours we first visited the museum and got lots of knowledge about police and fire. Then we watched a stage show/play about fire, the play was about a little boy who was interested in playing games and experienced a fire. The show taught us how to deal with a fire when one happens/if one happens. I think it’s very important to know it.  At last the firemen took the children to visit a fire truck and introduced the equipment to them.  All the children were focused on the introduction, especially my son.  On the way home he told me he wants to be a fireman in the future but I don’t want him to be. 

Met the – experienced a fire/ his house lit on fire/ he had a house fire.

Metmeeting people/ challenges ** not wrong, but not very native.

Eg.  We met a challenge/we faced a challenge.

Eg.  We met for lunch.

Motor:  the part of the car/boat that makes it go.