F2F Class Notes 11th April (Tanya) [s]


weapon – 武器

goal  – 目的

signature – 签字

to put on make-up – 化妆

nail polish – 指甲油

earrings – 耳环

Speaking exercise


You must make-up and be tall. Weight must be 45. You must have a long hair and black hair. Or pink. Your clothes very very beautiful. You must cooking. 不需要smart (not necessary). You good enough pretty. 耳洞 (earrings) and 指甲油 (nail polish).


You should put on make-up and you should be tall. Your weight should be 45kg. You should have long black hair. Or pink hair. Your clothes should be very beautiful. You should know how to cook. Being smart is not necessary. You’re pretty enough. You should wear earrings and put on nail polish.


must = 一定要

should = 应该