F2F Class Notes 11th April (Raph)


Happen (v): 1- (of a situation or an event) to have existence or come into existence. 2- 发生
E.g.: What happened? Why are you crying?

Break up (v/n): 1- If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends:
E.g.: Jenny and George have broken up.

Hurt (v): 1- to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause them pain. 2- to cause emotional pain to someone.
E.g.: My head hurts.
E.g.: The break up hurt him very much.

Serious (adj): 1- very bad. (严重) 2- not funny or not joking. (严肃)
E.g.: We have a serious problem.
E.g.: He is a very serious man.

Disease (n): 1- 疾病
E.g.: She caught a terrible disease.

Sick (adj): 1- 生病
E.g.: My grandmother is very sick, so I need to take her to the hospital.

Prevent (v): 1- to stop something from happening or someone from doing something.
E.g.: If you eat well, you can prevent many diseases.


(Original – Edited)

I want to talking. – I want to talk

Do you like working there? Yes, I like.  – Do you like working there? Yes, I do. 


Practice: /ˈpræk.tɪs/

Dancing: /dæn.sɪŋ/

After: /ˈæf.tɚ/

Teaches: /ˈtiʧəz/

Sugary: /ˈʃʊɡ.ɚ.i/

Prevent: /prɪˈvent/

Colleague: /ˈkɑː.liːɡ/



I go to my office at eight a’clock in the morning and I go to my office by the subway. I eat the breakfast in the office at nine o’clock and then I started my work. The first I send the email to Singapore and I told the KPMG ask any question and I doing something before lunch. After lunch my colleagues and I go shopping. Come back to office at fourteen o’clock. Afternoon I send a email to JLL and ICBC. I finish work at half past five.


I go to the office by subway at eight o‘clock in the morning. I eat breakfast at the office at nine o’clock and then I start working. First I send an email to my boss in Singapore and call my client at KPMG to ask if they have any questions. I do some other things until lunchtime. Sometimes my colleagues and I go shopping after lunch and go back to the office at two o’clock. In the afternoon, I send emails to JLL and ICBC. I finish work at half past five.