F2F Class Notes 11 Mar (Trista)

I wish I was a bird


I wish I were a bird – were is correct

Tibet – Xizang

Tibetan Sky Burial –

A Tibetan sky burial is when someone who died is taken by other people outside so that the eagles will eat their body.

Bury (v.) – put in the ground

The dog likes to dig a hole and bury his bone.

Special animals in America:

Bald eagle – bald= no hair Eagle – big bird

Deer -鹿

Elk -麋鹿

Bison/ Buffalo -美洲野牛


Deer are protected animals in China.

Wild – free / not taken/kept by people

The wild dogs chased after the rabbit.

You must be careful around wild animals because they could attack you.

How long does it take to get there?

I spend one hour and half hour

It takes an hour and a half to get there by train.

Spend time – how you use your time

How will you spend your time in Thailand?

We can also spend time in places, for example:

I’ll spend three days in Bangkok, then I’ll take a 3 hour bus ride to a beach.

Take time – how long does it take to get there? How far away is it?

It takes an hour to get there by bus.

Depends on – A depends on B = B will change the situation of A

I come here on time will dependent on traffic.

If I come here on time depends on traffic.

If I will arrive here on time depends on the traffic.

Dependent on A is dependent on B = A needs B

People are dependent on air, food, and water to live.

He is very dependent on his girlfriend to take care of him.