F2F Class Notes 12th November (Tony) [2]
Original –
Correction – Hello, my name is Jason, it’s an easy to remember name. My Chinese name is also easy to remember, just switch the pronunciation of the syllables. I’m doing sales for an agent of PetroChina. They are a well-known massive global company for fuel industries. Their business includes, fuel sales, stock trading, and refining crude oil. I’ve been working here for about five years. In my job we provide fuel to different factories, industries and logistics companies. So most of the time my activities are on the outskirts of Shanghai. I like this company and doing sales because they provide good opportunities. They have helped me improve and achieve more than I could before I joined them. On the other hand, my job is easy to manage. We just need to contact our customers then confirm the price and delivery time with each other when they need to refill their tanks. After that, our tankers will deliver it at an agreed upon time.
Next class adverbial adjunct adverb or adverbial clauses
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