F2F Class Notes 10th March (Joseph)

Yesterday’s Homework:


1. My favourite food. Tell me 3 things that are good about this food. Then, write a story about it.

– It is Monday today and I go to my mother’s office. I asked mother is there any candy in here? Mum said yes here is the candy. I am very happy. So I ate a candy and it tasted very yummy. Candy is very small so I can eat it anywhere.

Good things: 1)It is sweet / It tastes good, 2) It looks very yummy, 3) I can eat it anywhere.
Tell me why is each one important?

– I think somethings are good and somethings are not good. For example, it tastes sweet and I like sweet food. I think many people want to eat tasty food have  and I like to eat too.

1. My favourite food. Tell me 3 things that are good about this food. Then, write a story about it.

– It is Monday today and I go to my mother’s office. I asked mother has any candy in here? Mum said yes here has candy. I am very happy. So I ate a candy and I tasted very yummy. It is very small so I can eat it anywhere.

2. Good things: 1) sweet / tastes good, 2) looks very yummy, 3) can eat it anywhere.
Tell me why is each one important?

– I think something is important and somthing is not important. Like tastes sweet is little important because I like sweet food. And I think taste food have many people want to eat and I like to eat too.


Disgusting (diss-gust-ing)


Write 3 sentences about why it is important to save the earth.