F2F Class Notes 10th March (Joseph)
Write 8 sentences using the new vocabulary.
I’m always in a rush – 我一直很着急
I’m always rushing – ^一样的意思^
A bit – a little bit
Weird – 奇怪 when something is a little strange or not usual
-on time for
Michel is always on time for the company meeting.
I hope he can arrive on time for our date.
-on time because
I am on time because the taxi driver drove so fast. – perfect
(I am on time because the taxi driver rushed)
He is on time because he was already awake.
-my opinion is
My opinion is you need to change your ugly trousers.
My opinion is he shouldn’t drink too much because he might flight.
His clothes didn’t fit him very well. – perfect
The uniform fitted her perfectly. – perfect
– our plan is to do sth
Our plan is to go to Thailand for vacation. – perfect
Our plan is to have the wedding in September.
Not edited:
-on time for
Michel always on time for the company meeting.
I hope he can on time for our dating.
-on time because
I am on time because the taxi driver drove so fast.
He is on time because he didn’t sleep a whole night.
-my opinion is
My opinion is you need to change the ugly pains.
My opinion is he shouldn’t drink too much to missed the fight.
His clothes didn’t fit him very well.
The uniform fitted her perfectly.
– our plan is to do sth
Our plan is to go to Thailand for vacation.
Our plan is to get weeding in September.
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