F2F Class Notes 10th March (Jesse)
at a normal chinese school
normal chinese school / public school < > international school
he loves playing computer games but he plays PC mostly, and likes all different types of games.
xbox / ps4 / pc / switch
what makes a game good?
mission / quest – xun qiu
props – gear
gear = weapons / armor / tools / clothing
graphics – how a game looks
bugs – problems with games
eg. this game has a lot of bugs
single-player (1 player at a time) / multi-player (more than 1 person playing at the same time)
whole – wan zhen
eg. silent hill is the best game I have played in my whole life
my favourite game now is Resident Evil VII
horror games – scary games
the boy ate the whole cake
there are 6 silent hills / it has 6 versions
realistic – feels real
arcadey – not real feeling
eg. I like RE7 because it is more realistic than the first 6 in the series
style / feel
eg. they changed the style of the game after the 6th RE
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