F2F Class Notes 10th July (Peter)


There is expert teach you – there is an expert who teaches you

I could speak a sentence very organized – I can form a sentence easily/I can form an organized sentence

I need to change my house – I need to move out

The people of real estate agency – the real estate agent

The rental fee is very expensive – rent is very high

Is get complicated – it’s complicated

I don’t know this previously – I didn’t know this previously



Browsing – looking around with the intention of purchasing something

Exaggerate – verb; to make something more dramatic than it truly is, 夸张

Idiom – a phrase that is different from its literal meaning, 成语


The difference between to watch, look at, and see. In general, if you can do it sitting down, the verb you should use is “to watch.” For example, watching movies, children, etc. If you are watching something for an instant, the verb is “to look at,” and means only for a short period of time. If we’re talking about a house, watching a house means sitting outside and looking at the house for a long time, looking at the house means passing by and glancing at the house, and seeing the house means going inside and looking around the house or physically seeing the house (看到).


The difference between a drink and something to drink is that “a drink” is alcoholic, and “something to drink” is not.

Ex. If someone says “let me buy you a drink,” they mean an alcoholic drink. If someone says “let me buy you something to drink,” they mean a non-alcoholic drink.

To beat around the bush means to be indirect instead of getting to the point. The opposite expression is to cut to the chase, which means to be straightforward and say the point.


The expression it just doesn’t do it for me means “I don’t really like it.”

Ex. Let’s say your friend arranges a date for you and a guy. You go on the date, the guy is sweet and does nothing wrong but you just don’t really like him. “He just doesn’t do it for me.”

To do something in broad daylight means to do something shamelessly, not caring that other people see.

Ex. He’s running around naked in broad daylight…

If something is perfectly clear, it is undoubtedly clear.

Ex. He made it perfectly clear that he was angry at me.


If the end of one word sounds like the beginning of the next word, we join the pronunciation.

Ex. I want to is pronounced “I wantu.”

Video (VID-ee-yo)

Tool (clear “L” sound)

Error (AIR-uh)

Arrow (AIR-oh)

Perfect (adjective: PURR-fict, verb: purr-FECT)

Ex. It’s important to perfect (purr-FECT) our speaking abilities.

Present (noun/adjective: PREH-zint, verb: prih-ZENT)*

*Noun: gift; Adjective: current; Verb: to show.