F2F Class Notes 10th July (Peter)
When I got home, it’s at night – When I got home, it was night
First I need to go Taobao buy account – First, I need to go rent an account on Taobao
It’s not work well – it doesn’t work well
When I was young, watch a lot – I used to watch it a lot when I was young
Then it will upgrade (Pokémon) – then, it will evolve (Pokémon)
I only watched the front part – I only watched the beginning/I only watched the first part
Nostalgia – noun; a good feeling of remembering the past, usually childhood
Nostalgic – adjective; reminding you of your happy past, usually childhood
Ex. As adults, many people find Pokémon games nostalgic.
Villain – the bad people in a story
Tweet – the sound a bird makes in English
Virtual (VURR-choo-al)
Mission (MIH-shin)
Machine (muh-SHEEN)
Pokémon (POE-kee-mawn)
Usually (YOU-juh-lee)
Villain (VIL-in)
Episode (EH-pih-sode)
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