F2F Class Notes 10th January (Tony)

stock – make a product available in the store

eg: “They stocked the shelves to get ready for the store opening.”

out of stock – product not on shelf

eg: “Sorry that product is out of stock today.”

silicon valley – South of San Francisco, headquarters of many tech companies

eg: “Microsoft was founded in Silicon Valley.”

speculation – the thought of what something might be. without proof.

eg: “There is a lot of speculation that Russia influenced the U.S. elections.”

bid – to increase the price by having multiple buyers offer more and more money for the item

eg: “They bid on the painting until the price hit $500, then they gave up.”

felony – major crime, like murder, producing fake money

eg: “He committed a felony and now can’t legally own a gun.”


Uber – ooo bur