F2F Class Notes 10th January (Jesse)


physics – wu li

geography – di li

special / interesting / different – guai / you yi si

annoying / troublesome = tao yan
eg. your hair is annoying to wash

when I get home I will check
when I arrive at home I will check

it hurts – teng

i want to go on a diet
i am on a diet 

7:25 am
7:30 am
7:00 am

and then = after that – ran hou

Speaking exercise

i get up at 7 half, have breakfast. 7:45 go to the school. 8 half have a chinese exam and 9 half end. Relax half. 10 oclock geography exam and 11 end.

i got up at 7:30am, and then I had breakfast. At 7:45am I went to school. At 8:30am I had a chinese exam and at 9:30am I finished. I relaxed for 30 minutes. At 10am  I had a geography exam and at 11am i finished / the exam ended.