F2F Class Notes 10th February (Tony)


we are not so close

positive – means something good or beneficial, +

eg: “I have a positive attitude towards life.”

negative – means something bad, –

eg: “She is negative about her work.”

predominantly ADV. – mainly, primarily

eg: “Chinese news predominantly focuses on people’s lives.”

puff piece – positive and heartwarming article of news

eg: “Puff pieces don’t really give you much new information.”

lotion – product to moisturize your skin

eg: “I put on lotion after the shower.”

rust – a brownish orange compound formed on metal when it has been exposed to water. oxidization

eg: “Apples will turn rust-colored if they are cut open and exposed to the air after a few minutes.”

rusty – when you haven’t done something for a long time and you’re not as good at it anymore.

eg: “I learned to paint when I was in 6th grade, but now I’m rusty at it.”

camouflage – helps something blend into it’s surroundings

eg: “I think the Gator has orange skin because it is camouflaged.”