F2F Class Notes 10th April (Raph)


Accomplishment (n): 1- an achievement. 2- the finishing of something.
E.g.: Women’s History Month celebrates women’s accomplishments throughout American History.
E.g.: We celebrated the successful accomplishment of our task.

Pioneer (n): 1- a person who is one of the first people to do something:
E.g.: He was one of the pioneers of modern science

Come about (v): 1- to happen, or start to happen.
E.g.: How did the problem come about in the first place?

Inspire (v): 1- to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it. 2- to make someone have a particular strong feeling or reaction. 3- to give someone an idea for a book, film, product, etc.:
E.g.: His confident leadership inspired his followers.
E.g.: She inspires great loyalty among her followers.
E.g.: The design of the car has inspired many imitations.

Loyal (adj): 1- firm and not changing in your friendship with or support for a person or an organization, or in your belief in your principles. (n: Loyalty)
E.g.: Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.

Dwindle (v): 1- to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number; decline; drop; shrink.
E.g.: The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years.

Momentum (n): 1- strength or force gained by movement or by a series of events.
E.g.: The protests gained momentum after a reporter showed the violent police response on TV.

Hollywood (n): 1- the centre of the US film industry

Bollywood (n): 1- the centre of the Indian film industry

Congress: 国会

Syria (n): 1- 叙利亚


Unique: /juːˈniːk/

Started: /ˈstɑrtəd/

Studied: /ˈstʌdid/

Woman: /ˈwʊm.ən/

Women: /ˈwɪmɪn/

History: /ˈhɪs.t̬ɚ.i/

Library: /ˈlaɪ.brer.i/
