F2F Class Notes 10th April (Jesse) [S]


What was your first mobile phone? What was it like? How did you feel when you got it? Give me many details (use which!)


tomb sweeping festival – qing ming jie

eg. I got a tan

pay our respects and remember them

on the other hand 
eg. I think that learning English is important for work and can be quite fun, but on the other hand, it’s pretty hard and a bit expensive.

i went to my hometown for 2 reason, firstly to see my family and friends and also, just for a trip.

accessory – for your body / clothing

ornament – for your house

sweet < > savory 
eg. i like the sweet flavour because compared to savory, it is yummy.

herb – xiang de shu cai
spice – xiang liao
eg. I love lamb with lots of herbs and potatoes

I prefer this = this is better than that = compared to that, this is good.

Speaking exercise

in my hometown, when the tomb sweeping coming we prepared some food and dead people use the paper money and some dessert like tomb sweeping dessert which is a green ball, and we brought the stuff to mountain and put the dessert in front of the tombstone.

in my hometown, when tomb sweeping festival came / arrived, we prepared some food and made some fake paper money and bought some dessert for the tomb sweeping festival which is a green ball, and we brought the stuff to the / a mountain and put the dessert in front of the tombstone.

what is it? why do you like it? when did you last eat it?
My favourite food is lamb which my mum makes. I like the lamb which has mint, herbs and potato, because it tastes really good and it is hot which i like. I ate the lamb 2 weeks ago in my hometown with my family which was fun.


buy – bought
bring – brought
put – put
prepare – prepared
make – made
is – was
are – were

I have a computer which is apple.
I have a student who is good.
I just went to vietnam which was fun.
Today is raining which makes me unhappy.