F2F Class Notes 1st September (Raph)

Dreadlocks (n): 1- a Rastafarian hairstyle in which the hair is washed but not combed and twisted while wet into tight braids or ringlets hanging down on all sides.
E.g.: Jesse just got dreadlocks this week.

Racism (n): 1- poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race.
E.g.: Racism is still a big issue in the United States.

Offensive (adj): 1- causing someone to feel hurt, angry, or upset : rude or insulting.
E.g.: Donald Trump says offensive things all the time.

Disgusting (adj): 1- so unpleasant to see, smell, taste, consider, etc., that you feel slightly sick
E.g.: Carol thinks that snakes are very disgusting.

Gross (adj): 1- very disgusting; rude or offensive.
E.g.: She has a gross habit of chewing on the ends of her hair.

Majority (n): 1- the greater number of something. Most of them.
E.g.: In a Democracy the majority of voters chooses representatives in the Government.