Email Service_14th Apr (Harmony)

Cherry 14th April, Original:

Charity is what? Charity can be anything you want to donate. When people talking about  Charity, the first idea pop up maybe donate money to the Red Cross or the beggars in the streets. Yes, donating money is the commonest way of Charity. But I think there are more ways of donation except for money. We can also donate used stuffs and time to the poor people. I had ever donated 500 RMB to the victims of the Wenshuan earthquake many years ago. And I mailed lots of my old cloths to the poor villages who post their information on Internet so that anyone can help them .  Rich people are doing the same . The CEO of the Facebook Mark Zuckerberg donate d 99% of his money to the “Giving pledge” which encourage the wealthiest people in the world to donate majority of their income to Charity. Some famous actors/actress make donation by sold the opportunity of having lunch together.  Some people will donate  their time in beadhouse to accompany with old people and some will read books for blind children. Moreover , Some organizations focus on protecting animals like street cats and dogs who make shuttles for the animals and ask people to donate time to walk the dogs.

But anything could be a double-edged sword. Charity also create lots of lazy people who don’t want to work and keep on asking for money from the government.  Street beggars used our mercy for poor people to cheat us for money. Although I hate them but I will not stop donating as I hope our donation can be used by people who really need help.


Cherry 14th April Edited:

Charity is what?

Charity can be anything you want to donate. When people talk about charity the first idea to pop up is maybe donating money to the Red Cross, or to the beggars in the streets. Yes, donating money is the commonest way of charity. But I think there are other ways of making donations except for money. We can also donate used stuff, and time to poor people. I had donated 500 RMB to the victims of the Wenshuan earthquake many years ago. I have also mailed lots of my old clothes to the poor villages who post their information on internet so that anyone can help them.  Rich people are doing the same. The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, donated 99% of his money to the “Giving pledge” which encourages the wealthiest people in the world to donate the majority of their income to charity. Some famous actors/actress make donations by selling the opportunity of having lunch together.  Some people will donate their time to an old folks’ home to provide company to old people, and some will read books to blind children. Moreover, some organizations focus on protecting animals, like street cats and dogs, they make shelters for the animals and ask people to donate time to walk the dogs.

But anything could be a double-edged sword. Charity also creates lots of lazy people who don’t want to work and keep on asking for money from the government.  Street beggars use our mercy, and poor people cheat us for money. Although I hate them, I will not stop donating as I hope our donations can be used by people who really need help.

Beadhouse poor house/ old folks home     I wasn’t sure what you meant.

I had ever donatedI had never donated/ I had donated