Email Service Notes (Nick)

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Hi Erika

Attached are the check list and main relevant photos for berkel steel knives at Jinheng on 17th. the quality still not good.

Factory only finished about 50% paring knives, 50% set 2 steak knives and about 20% santoku kninves.

Found about 80% paring kinves’ point are not sharp. the blade also not the same as signed sample.

As no signed santoku knife sample for inspection reference please confirm the shape by yourself.

Your Edited Email

Hi Erika

Attached are the checklist and the main relevant photos for the berkel steel knives at Jinheng on the 17th. The quality is still not good.

The factory only finished about 50% of the paring knives, 50% of the set 2 steak knives, and about 20% of the santoku knives.

I found that about 80% of the paring knives’ points are not sharp. The blades are also not the same as the signed sample.

As there is no signed santoku knife sample for reference during inspection, please confirm the shape by sending a signed reference sample / or: please complete an inspection of the santoku knives (this depends upon who needs to do the inspection).