Email Service Notes (Nicholas)

Your Original Email

We’re all human.

We have needs.

We both live in groups to “survive” in societies. We try to reconcile conflicts by working on them and trying to improve the situations.

It’s not that what we have are completely different, and that we’re divided into different species, so that we are meant to be different things. In fact, we share a lot in common.

However, we are very different.

Take politics for example. Westerners are generally asking their government to be a good servant; whereas though our government seems to be working on their transitions of roles, our officials still appear to be a governor, not a civil servant.

After what we’ve all been through in history, America has established her country based on good beliefs and wise ideas; whereas our government has made some irresponsible decisions sacrificing some parties and hurting people.

Democracy is rooted deep down in the west while we may be working like “slaves” contributing to our country.

Your Edited Email

We’re all human.

We have needs.

We all live in groups to “survive” in societies. We try to reconcile conflicts by working on them and [attempting] to improve our situations.

It’s not that what we [possess] is completely different, or that we’re divided into different species; it just means we have different advantages and disadvantages. It’s not that certain people are “better”, it just means we are different. In fact, we share a lot in common.

However, we are also very different.

Take politics for example. Westerners generally ask their government to serve the people; whereas our government seems to be concerned with their transitions of roles. Our officials appear to be governors, not civil servants.

After what we’ve all been through/[endured] throughout history, America has established her country based on good beliefs and wise ideas; whereas our government has made some irresponsible decisions — sacrificing some parties and hurting people.

Democracy is rooted deeply in the West, while we may be working like “slaves” contributing to our country instead.