Email Service Notes (Jesse)

Your Original Email

Write about an interesting news you’ve read or watched

Have you ever met someone call your name by mistake? I think most people must have the same experience at least once or twice in their life. But if the one who is a celebrity mistaken by a stranger in the public, that will be more interesting than ordinary people do. One day I saw a video on weibo, which put all the clips together about these situations. In these clips, you can see the celebrities’ reaction when they were named wrong as they are passing through the crowd or performing on the stage. Some of them were calm as well as other audiences were laughing. Some of them still kept smiling, and just passed by the crowd. Also there was one guy who can’t help speaking up, yelling that I am not the guy you are saying. This video is so funny that I don’t want to miss any part of it. If you are curious about what had happened , it’s better to search it yourself. And you must be on cloud nine like me after watching it

Your Edited Email

Write about an interesting news article you’ve read or watched

Have you ever met someone who called your name by mistake? I think most people must have the same experience at least once or twice in their lives. But if someone who is a celebrity is mistaken by a stranger in the public, it would be more interesting than if it happens to an ordinary person do. One day I saw a video on weibo, which put all the clips of this situation happening together. In these clips, you can see the celebrities’ reaction when they were called the wrong name as they were passing through a crowd or performing on a stage. Some of them were calm, with people in the audience laughing. Some of them still kept smiling, and just passed by / through the crowd. Also there was one guy who couldn’t help speaking up, yelling “I am not the guy you are saying”. This video was so funny that I didn’t want to miss any part of it. If you are curious about what had happened , it’s better to search for it yourself. I’m sure you will be on cloud nine like me after watching it.

– be careful with tense!