Open F2F Class Notes _5th April (Celeste/Harmony)

Persuade (perr – swayed)

I am hurried to know what he expressedI am anxious to know what he is thinking


Being direct

  • Opposite
    • Gently
    • Kindly
    • Softly


I express my madly – I express my anger

White lie:  a lie that is intended to protect someone, and not hurt them with the truth.

Empathy 必应词典  (noun):  being able to feel what other people are feeling.  Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Ex:  A good friend to talk with, is someone who has a lot of empathy.

Ex:  I empathize with people who are poor.

Reprimand:  to advise someone that they are doing something wrong, or have broken the rules.  (parents lecturing their children).

Ex:  When a child does something wrong, the Chinese parents are always reprimanding directly/loudly/immediately.

These days, a video of liyan, a Chinese sexy actress on her friend’s wedding ceremony was spreading on social media. On the wedding of her friend who is also a famous actor, liyan was one of the bridesmad. there was some games on the wedding. On one of games, the best men were trying to throw liyan wearing the sexy dress into s swimming poor. Liyan was scared and said no. The game was asked to stopped by another bridesmad, but the pubic on line criticized bridegroom and his best men acted very low and had the bad custom to make fun of bridesmad as sex annoy.

Recently, a video of Liyan, a sexy, Chinese actress, at her friend’s wedding reception was spreading on social media. At the wedding of her friend who is also a famous actor, Liyan was one of the bridesmaids. There were some games at the wedding. In one of the games, the groomsmen were trying to throw Liyan who was wearing a sexy dress into s swimming pool. Liyan was scared and said no. Finally, another bridesmaid told the groomsmen to stop. The public criticized the groom and his groomsmen for acting inappropriate and misbehaving at a famous public figure’s wedding.