Open F2F Class Notes _5th Apr (Harmony)

Springs (sprin – gs)


Soon (sune)

Spoil (spoy ell)

Taught:  past tense of teach

Ex:  My teacher taught me a new word.

Ex:  You just taught me a new sentence.

Passed (pasd)

Whole (hole)

Email Review:

I took my daughter to go to my friend’s home.He home has a big dog and a petty cat.
My daughter saw pet.She said hello dog hello cat.Then she hidden because she is fear them.
My friend’s dog very beautiful.It was funny.The dog was jealous when my friend picked my daughter up to play with her. The dog wanted hug too.The dog is Golden retriever and also it is 7 years old.So it’s very big.My friend said no way,but the dog still wanted hug.In the end My friend picked dog up walked two step.The dog is very cuter.

I took my daughter to go to my friend’s home which has a big dog and a pretty cat.
When my daughter first saw the pets, she said “hello dog, hello cat”. Then she hid because she was afraid of them.
My friend’s dog is very beautiful and funny. The dog was jealous when my friend picked up my daughter to play with her because the dog wanted a hug too. The dog is a Golden retriever and also he is 7 years old. So he’s very big. My friend said “no way”, but the dog still wanted a hug. In the end my friend picked up the dog and walked two step. The dog is very cute.

active – i drink the coffee

passive – the coffee was drunk by me

she is drinking (v) / she was drinking

she is pretty (adj) / she was young

My friend’s dog is very big and beautiful but is also unhappy because he must go outside to run.

I have friend

give me the hug

give me a hug

give me hugs

give me many hugs

give me my hug