F2F Class Notes 2 Mar (Trista)

Dear Mr Chen,
According to the expectations and requirements of Yihai Kerry Group,we are going to get the data report and review work on this year(including insuring data and claiming data)to support Yihai’ risk management by means of the supporting data. Based on the client’ requirement ,we will review the data the first time in this year,please help to get the bellowing data ready before 11 March.
1ã€The insuring data of Inland Cargo insurance from December 2015 to February 2016.
2ã€The claiming data of property all risks insurance,cargo insurance ,public liability insurance and group accident insurance from December 2015 to February 2016(including settled and unsettled)

Hope to receive your feedback quickly.
If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Thanks.

Dear Mr Chen,
According to the expectations and requirements of Yihai Kerry Group,we are going to build a data report and review information from this year(including insuring data and claiming data)to support Yihai’s risk management by means of this supporting data. Based on the client’s requirements,we will review this year’s data for the first time,so please provide the following data before 11 March:
1ã€The insuring data of Inland Cargo insurance from December 2015 to February 2016.
2ã€The claiming data of property all risks insurance,cargo insurance,public liability insurance and group accident insurance from December 2015 to February 2016(including settled and unsettled)

We hope to receive your feedback in a timely manner.
If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Thank you.

….In a timely manner – soon/quickly (polite/professional)

Can you please get that report to me in a timely manner.

The following…. : – whatever comes after this sentence

The following is a list of ways to increase profits:

Can you please provide me with the following information:

Commercial / Business Writing



A – and



Peripheral – on the side


Very – teeth are behind bottom lip

Fairy  – teeth are on top of bottom lip

Various – vare EE us

Seeking – see keen

Approach – oh sound

Representatives – REP

