Demo Class Notes (Xi – Li)


overcome your fears – get over any obstacles

deconstruct – to break something down into separate parts to understand its meaning

ex. She enjoys deconstructing the text to uncover any hidden details.

jot down some ideas – write down some things

give you an example/come up with an example

area of expertise – to excel in a particular field


I back to China    -> I moved back/came back to China

*Each sentence must have a verb, don’t forget this!

Phrasal verbs have fixed pairings, don’t get mixed up:

ex. come back/come out/hang out

Speaking exercise

I want to learn natural spelling due to I want to go to UK for my PHD

I want to learn how to spell because I want to go to the UK for my PHD

I already got the masters degree for the design major.

I already received my master’s degree in design.

I can find a good strategy to finish and complete the test.

I can find a good strategy to study for a test/to prepare for a test.  

I went there about 2.5 years and I back to China…

I studied/lived there for about 2.5 years and/then I moved back to China after that. 

I can make some example

I can give you some examples 

I am very confidence about talk about my major

I am very confident when I talk about my major/area of expertise 

From my childhood to university I always learn English all the time.

I have been learning English since childhood to university. 

I always use the tip

I always search for/look up strategies to prepare for a test. 

You need to pass your psychology

You need to overcome your fears