Demo Class Notes (Amanda – JJ)

Speaking exercise

I’m a licensed lawyer, mostly I do litigations. Currently, I’m thinking to change to an in-house legal counsel. Many our clients are foreign companies.

Every time I try to explain to people, I always feel embarrassed when I introduce my hobbies to people.  I will define myself as old-fashioned. I’m always thinking that if I’m not a lawyer, I would be an archaeologist. (…) This person was a servant of 康熙. Another reason I love history is I love detective novels. I think detective novels and history somehow are the same.


I’m a licensed lawyer, I work mostly on litigations. I’m thinking about changing into/I’m planning to change into in-house legal counsel.  Many of our clients are foreign companies. Another reason why  I love history is that/because I love detective novels. I think detective novels and historical events/essays are somewhat similar.


to think about something or someone

to think of something or someone

never use think to + do something


basic: to describe someone who has no personality, likes all the trendy things, has nothing unique about them.

Ex: She’s so basic, she only goes to the places all the influencers go to all the time.

archeologist: 考古学家