Demo Class Notes (Rainy – Ally)


– Work emails and meetings in English. Writes a lot, but sometimes cannot express herself correctly in meetings, so she is not confident in her speaking. Works in food safety industry and has possible future immigration plans.

Listening: 3.5
Speaking: 3
Pronunciation: 3
Writing: 3
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2


covid test

jot down: record/write down


dine in: eat in the restaurant

emphasis: 强调 (n) emphasize(v)

commute: 通勤


for facts -present simple tense  no tense
for events – add tense

speak say talk
speak – language, volume
ie. speak English, speak louder
say – thing/content
ie. say something/say what you want
talk – back and forth
ie. talk to you about something/that’s not what I was talking about

Speaking exercise

The people must buy things at takeaway, they cannot eat in the restaurant
People/Everyone must buy takeout(n, they cannot eat in the restaurant/dine in (vocabulary)

I lived in Beijing for almost 11 years
I have lived in Beijing for almost 11 years. – talking about something else > result now
I have been living in BJ for almost 11 years. – ing, for a period of time

usually I can speak some business sentence
usually I can speak business language
usually I can talk about business topics in the meeting.
usually I can say things in English about the business

I think it’s possible to immigration
I think it’s possible for me to immigrate in the future.
I think I might decide to immigrate in the future.

I want to remind the audience, but when I finished the sentence, the audience cannot understand me, and they are silence.
I wanted to remind the audience of the Chinese standards, but when I finished the sentence, the audience could not understand me, and they were silent

and I speak the sentence again, and use another words … then explain again, then the audience can understand me.
and I said the sentence again/I repeated myself, and used other words/I said the sentence differently/I used a different sentence … then explained again, then the audience could/were able to understand me.

actually it have, but I always keep silence.
actually we do, but I always keep silent (adj).
actually there is, but I always keep silent (adj).

Nothing, I just heard SH is locked down recently.
Not a lot/ Nothing much, just that SH has been locked down/SH is on lockdown.

I think it’s more possibility to live in BJ than SH
I think there are more possibilities in BJ than in SH/to live in BJ than in SH

It will spend 3 hrs to go home
It takes 3 hrs to go back to my hometown.
I spend 3 hrs to go back to my hometown.


company – com-pa-neeee

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