Demo Class Notes (Lillian – Ally)


– works for DHL and has a new job responsibility that requires her to deliver training in English to foreign colleagues. She wants to improve her speaking and writing. Her overall English level is good, but needs to work on: word choice (especially action verbs), Chinese thinking, and tense. 

Listening: 4
Speaking: 3
Pronunciation: 3
Writing: 3
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2


do some reading you’re interested in

edit the speaking



founders: people who founded the company

have eyes on sb: paying attention to sb
ie. I have my eyes on you.

zone out: 走神;上课开小差

slip up: 滑一跤;〔美国〕弄错;失败 a little mistake
ie. I slip up st when I speak English

Speaking exercise

the reason why I want to find you to seek for this chance to improve my english is..
the reason why I want to seek your help to improve my english is..

both communication
two ways of communication
in both ways

I touched English very young
I learned English when I was very young/at a very young age
I started learning English when I was very young/ since a very young age

I’m not be afraid to speak out to the participants
I‘m not afraid to speak out to the participants/ I’m not afraid of speaking out (verb noun concept) …

I can repeat it
I can put it on repeat
I can listen to it repeatedly

His family traveled to my city
His family visited me here
I was on a trip/vacationing/on holiday (not at work)

when I birth my baby
when I gave birth to my baby

It’s the lifestyle before I have my baby. I can also spend my free time to watch the TV show.
It’s my old life before my baby. I could also spend my free time to watch the TV show.

Q: Tell me about your fav travelling exp/ or your fav country?
A: Maybe it’s Germany. Each country has their own style and very beautiful scenery. While the most is the Germany because it’s the first time I go abroad by myself at a very young age. I spend more than 3 weeks in Germany, enjoy the food and work with other foreigner people. Also I got the chance to do the tips on making the visit plan and also got the chance to meet my other friends during my holiday. Because I use the weekend to travel to other cities by train. The train is very diff from China, you don’t need to pick the seat… It’s very like a bus. To ensure you have already buy the ticket, if the train staff … you’re not without ticket, you will face a huge penalty.

A: Maybe it’s Germany. Each country is beautiful and unique/special in its own way. While this is true/However, Germany is my fav country because because it’s the first time I went abroad by myself and I was very young.


I spend more than 3 weeks in Germany, enjoy the food and work with other foreigner people. Also I got the chance to do the tips on making the visit plan and also got the chance to meet my other friends during my holiday. Because I use the weekend to travel to other cities by train. The train is very diff from China, you don’t need to pick the seat… It’s very like a bus. To ensure you have already buy the ticket, if the train staff … you’re not without ticket, you will face a huge penalty.

While + condition
ie. While every country is special, Germany is my fav country because …

In each meal they will got a beer
With each meal they would (habit) get a beer

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