Demo Class Notes (Elsa – Jesse)


– 12 years old, has quite a good vocabulary and can understand a lot without needing Chinese, but makes some short sentences, and isn’t willing to speak at length yet. Pronunciation is very good but speaks a little slowly and doesn’t connect words. She uses conjunctions to add details and can correct herself sometimes when she notices mistakes.

In class: watch Mr Bean videos and speak about them, making long sentences, learning more advanced tenses, connectives like which / who, have daily life conversation to gain confidence in communication. At home: watch Mr Bean videos and write about them using vocabulary and grammar from class. Review class notes after each class. Do some English reading and write down new words to discuss in class. After 3 months: start upgrading vocabulary by learning synonyms, and doing more reading at home combined with writing homework, and start writing about the books and stories she’s reading.

Listening: 1.75
Speaking: 1.25
Pronunciation: 2.5
Writing: 1.5
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2

Speaking exercise

I wake up at 7 o’clock and I eat the noodles for lunch. The weather is hot. After lunch I do my homework and I play the phone and do the homework again. I have lots of homework.

I woke up at 7 o’clock and I ate the noodles for lunch. The weather is hot. After lunch I did my homework and I played with / on the phone and did the homework again. I have lots of homework which is very boring so I feel annoyed / bored / tired.

Mr Bean is in the park and the weather is very hot. He feels hot and he sees a ice cream car. Next, he go to buy the ice cream. The little boy line up and wants to buy the ice cream but Mr Bean cut in line. Mr Bean choose a ice cream and the ice cream man make it. 

and / but / so / because / when / which / who 

the person who discovers things is a discoverer

who = he / she / they
eg. I have a friend. He is fat. = I have a friend who is fat.

which = it / and it
eg. I have a pen. I bought it in China. / I have a pen and I bought it in China= I have a pen which I bought in China

eg. When I go to the park, I feel happy
eg2. When I do homework, I feel bored


bored / boring
eg. I am bored. Homework is boring.
eg2. I am happy. Playing is fun.

How do you say _____ in English? 

ice cream machine

ice cream cone 

strawberry topping

line up – pai dui

cut in line / push in line – cha dui

the sales man / the ice cream man 

noisy – chao
annoying – fan / tao yan
eg. She thinks it’s very noisy so she is annoyed / she thinks living in a barn is annoying

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