Demo Class Notes (Yuliane – Ally)


– Wants to improve for work and life. Might have some English presentations at work. Interested in English videos/movies/tv shows.

Listening: 4.5
Speaking: 3.5
Pronunciation: 3.5
Writing: 3
1 year

推荐课程(每周)/ Your Recommended Course (Weekly)

F2F: 2

Writing: 2


tell: (noun) something that gives you away
ie. You have a tell when you speak English.

omit: leave out (v)
ie. We can omit the last part.

differentiate: (v) recognize the difference
ie. It’s hard to differentiate between Chengdu and Chongqing hot pot flavours.

apocalypse: (n) 世界毁灭
ie. Ally’s dad thought the apocalypse was coming.


should – need to, it’s appropriate too…

would- hui

Speaking exercise

modified version of “Julian”

I graduated from university over ten years.
I graduated (one time action) from university over ten years ago.

over ten years – I have been (from past point in time till now – I still do) living in SH for over 10 years (<- how long, amount of time).

I love watching sports events.

When I was a child, I used to have swimming training…
When I was a child, I would always go to swimming lessons…/I took swimming lessons..

In last few years, I am really interested in snowboarding.
In the last few years, I have been/became really interested in snowboarding.
Since a couple of years ago, I have been/I became...

So it’s not as(stress sound) focused on consumers. (as…)

Taipei is(=) more slowly life.
People in Taipei have a slower/laidback/relaxed lifestyle.

Living in Taipei cost more cheap than SH.
Living in Taipei cost less/is cheaper than living in SH/living here.

In Asia, SH is one of the most expensive cities.

The hot point in SH change really fast.
The trend changes really fast in SH.

The competition in the F&B/restaurant industry is really serious/rough.

The competition is strong – the opponent is strong.
The competition is serious/rough – lots of competition.

We should contact many social influence agencies.
We would contact…

We should discuss to media agency.
We would discuss with ..

It’s not big difference from them.
There’s no big difference between/among them.
There’s no clear boundary among the three terms.

TikTok is even more so(like that).

I think app’s content is not good or bad, but you should own your critical thinking.
I think the content on any app is not good or bad, but it’s important to have your own critical thinking skills.


half and half – no “r” sound

was – no “r” sound

because – be+cuz

colleagues – colleegs

direct(no r sound in “kt”) flight

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