F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I traveled to Thailand and MalaysiaI went to Thailand and Malaysia

before they pour the concrete

we put it in the correct place  – we put it in place (IT = the steel plate) and then pour the concrete

the plate is put in place and then the concrete is poured (Passive Tense)

It’s a long journey

eg: Learning English is a long journey.

deteriorate – become worse, slowly over time, lose quality

eg: Over time their partnership deteriorated, and they could not make any efficient decisions.

welding – the process of heating metal to that it melts together

eg: After welding the plate and the joints are connected.

rust V.  N. – brownish red build up on metal, from being oxidized

eg: The steel plates rust eventually.


I sell construction materials

anchored (V.) in concrete

both of the plate and the joints would be deteriorate – both, the plate and the joints, will deteriorate

I don’t like going to HK, especially for shopping.



With + Together

eg: I want to talk with you together.   I want to talk with you.

Connected + Together

eg: These parts are connected together.     These parts are connected. 


Come together

eg: These parts come together when you buy them.

eg: We came here together, so we will share a taxi back to the hotel.

put together

eg: I need to put together a good presentation.

eg: I need to put two things together to cook. / I need to put the meat and onions together in the pan.

go together

eg: Ketchup(tomato sauce) and French Fries go together.

eg: We will go to the meeting together.


anchor – Ayn Kerr

deteriorate – De-Teer-Ree-Yer   rate

interior – In-Teer-Ree-Yer

exterior – Ex-Teer-Ree-Yer