F2F Class Notes (Raph)(W)


Write a diary entry and review it in your next class. Focus on grammar. 


Calm down (n): 1- to stop feeling upset, angry, or excited, or to stop someone feeling this way.
E.g.: She sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
E.g.: She was angry at first but we managed to calm her down.
E.g.: Calm down, please. It’s nothing to get excited about!

Episode (n): 1- one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio.
E.g.: I love rewatching old episodes of Friends.

Teaser (n): 1- (also “tease”) a short scene or highlight shown at the beginning of a film or television show or as a trailer on the internet to attract the audience’s attention.
E.g.: Have you seen the new teaser for the next episode of Game of Thrones?
E.g.: Last season felt lackluster at times, but with each day bringing little teases like this, we find ourselves getting more and more excited for the upcoming fifth season.

Remain (v): 1- to stay in the same place or in the same condition. 2- to continue to exist when other parts or other things no longer exist
E.g.: The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days.
E.g.: After the flood, nothing remained of the village.


Yesterday I reviewed the first season of Friends. – Yesterday I rewatched the first season of Friends. 

Writing exercise


This is a diary wrote in a rainy day. Every time I talked about diary, it remains me of a US TV series called Vampire diaries. It is a story of two vampire brothers who are obsessed with the same girl. I like the elder brother Damon and he had a more than 3 years relationship with Nina who is the actress played Elena Gilbert . Unfortunately…they broke up finally in real life. I felt so sad when I heard that he got married with another women but not Nina.


This is a diary entry written on a rainy day. Every time I talk about diaries, it reminds  me of a US TV series called Vampire Diaries. It is a story of two vampire brothers who are obsessed with the same girl. I like the elder brother Damon and the actor who plays him had a relationship of more than 3 years with Nina, the actress who plays Elena Gilbert . Unfortunately they have broken up in real life and I felt really sad when I later discovered that he has gotten married with another women instead of Nina.


Cool:  /kuːl/

Weird: /wɪrd/

Series: /ˈsɪr.iːz/

Obsess: /əbˈses/

Obsessed: /əbˈsest/

Show: /ʃoʊ/

Shoe:  /ʃuː/