F2F Class Notes (Celeste) [S]


Reread the 2 paragraphs below. Write a short story about your wife or daughter.


It was rainy -adj
It rained – verb

bad guy – criminal

commit v. –  to do something illegal or something that is considered wrong
he did a lot of crimes – he committed a lot of crimes


Police have = They have has

Speaking exercise

Police arrested a thief who stole a wallet from a packet car from Birmingham. The thief found a 50 pound note in the wallet. When he find the money he did a little celebratory dancing. Police found that the man had do a lot of crime, shoplifting and criminal damage and wehicle interference so the man was jailed for 2 weeks in prison.

Police arrested a thief who stole a wallet from a parked car in Birmingham. The thief found a 50 pound note in the wallet. When he found the money he did a little celebratory dance. Police found that the man had done a lot of crimes, for example/including shoplifting, criminal damage and breaking into cars/vehicle interference, so the man was jailed for 2 weeks in prison.

What’s your opinion about this article? What do you think about this man or shoplifters? What do you think about the police? 

This man stole things or did a crime for sometimes and he felt so happy when he made a crime. It’s a bad guy but after he was arrested he pretended his miserable. It is so bad people should buy something use his money. The money should be made from his work. I think the police should find the guy earlier because the guy had a lot of crime and the statement isn’t enough to publish the thief.

This man stole things and did some crimes and he felt so happy when doing these things. He is a bad guy but after he was arrested he pretended he was miserable. Doing crimes/Stealing things is so bad, people should buy things and use their money. The money should be made from their work. I think the police should have found the guy earlier because he did a lot of crimes and the judgement isn’t enough to punish the thief.


ou / ao / ow – Taobao, found, now, cow, how, down

parked  ( parrrk – t )

celebratory ( sell – uh – bruh – tory )

earlier ( err – lee – err )