F2F Class Notes 21st June (Harmony)

Better speech, better life!
If people without dreams, there’s no difference between them and salted fish! This is the first thing that I learned from the latest 5A+ meeting. The first time, I realized that I was a experienced salted fish. But after the meeting, I have my own dreams, one is to finish my CC10 speech, another one is to make other’s lives better through my speech. Because, I become more powerful after listen to the speeches.
How would it happen? In the meeting, one champion shared the last sentence of his friend, who has left the world. He persuaded his audience to follow their heart because life is short and invaluable, therefore don’t do anything that will let you regret. One of his audiences, a beautiful girl, quit her job after listened to the speech, and later, made her salary tripled. The excellent speech encouraged the beautiful girl and made her life become better. See, speech has power!
Another champion, she shared her dream with the audiences. She realized her dream as a graduate student through 10 years effort. But at the same time, she got pregnant. While, she continued her study with her bigger and bigger belly. She even came back to school with her one-month old baby, and finally she got her master degree. On the first day, she joined TMC, she wanted to become a champion, and therefore, she joined each contest and aimed to the champion. During the process, for millions of times, she wanted to give up, because too many people didn’t believe her can win. She just let herself calm down, slows down, rethink, and follow her heart. Enjoy the process of metamorphosis, if you don’t success, that because time is on the way. Her story and sentences encouraged me largely.


Better speech, better life!
If people are without dreams, there’s no difference between them and a salted fish! This is the first thing that I learned from the latest 5A+ meeting. For the first time, I realized that I was an experienced and dedicated salted fish. But after that meeting, I have my own dreams, one (the first) is to complete my CC10 speech, another one (the second) is to make other’s lives better through my speeches. Because, I became more powerful after listening to the speeches which were delivered in that meeting.

How did I get inspired? In the meeting, one champion shared the last sentence from his friend, who (passed away) has left the/this world. He persuaded his audience to follow their heart as/since/because life is short and invaluable, so don’t do anything that you will regret. One of his audience members, a beautiful girl, quit her job after his speech, and later, her (new) salary tripled. The excellent speech encouraged her to make her life better. See, speech has power!
Another champion shared her dream. She wanted/desired to become a graduate student, it took (it took her ten years)10 years of effort. After she entered graduate school she became pregnant. However, (that didn’t stop her) she continued her studies with her bigger and bigger belly. She even came back to school with her one-month old baby, and finally she got her masters degree. On the first day, she joined TMC, she wanted to become a champion, so she joined each speech contest and aimed to be the winner. Millions of times during the process she wanted to give up, because too many people doubted her abilities. She just calmed down, slowed down, rethought, and followed her heart. She advised/recommended that we should enjoy the process of metamorphosis, if you don’t succeed, that’s because success is on the way. Her story and sentences encouraged me greatly.

Champion 3 syllables.

Regret (ree – gret)

Audiences – don’t skip the end ‘ces’

Aimed (aymd)

Metamorphosis (met – ah – more – pho – sis)

She made her own salary triple

She made her salary triple = (sounds like) she started charging triple the price.

Audience (already plural)

She realized her as a graduate student through ten years effort.

= she realized her dream while she was a graduate student, it took ten years to realize this dream.