VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Reading “Mr Klutz is Nuts” 1-3


4:15 /quarter past four

4:30/half past four

4:45/quarter to five 

*after 30 you use to 

*before 30 you use past 

nuts – silly/strange/stupid

ex. Do you think Mr Klutz is nuts?

principal – head of a school

grown-up – adult

ex. Mr Klutz is not a serious grown-up unlike the other teachers.

helmet – a hard hat

reply – to answer back when someone talks to you/messages you

ex. Oh no! I forgot to reply my friend.

overrated –  to think something is much better than it really is

ex. AJ thinks that school is overrated because he wants to play hockey when he grows up.

recess – school break time

ex. Let’s play basketball during recess later.

get in trouble – to do something bad and be punished for it

ex. I got in trouble with my parents for coming home late.

professional – a job which requires education and training

ex. He wants to be a professional basketball player.