VIP Class Notes (Mark) [S]


rejuvenate – [RE JOO VIN ATE]

revitalize – [RE VY TA LIES]

Absolutely the smart phone bring us new lifestyles or bring us something more convenient in daily life. But also the phones cost a lot of time during our life.

Absolutely the smartphones bring provide us new lifestyles and or bring us something more convenience convenient in daily life. But also the phones costs a lot of time. during of our life.

Because of the development of social apps or media platforms, people use a lot of time on them. And it is hard for the new generation to disconnected with that.

Because of social media apps the development of or media platforms, people use waste a lot of time on them. And it is hard for the new generation to disconnected with that them.

Sometimes they are readily influenced by the misinformation on these platforms.

Sometimes they are readily easily influenced by the misinformation on these platforms.

To confirm whether the news are true…

To confirm whether the news are is true…

They will give some reactions to these misinformations. And they read a lot of uncorrect information about how to protect themselves during that time.

They will give some reactions to these this misinformation. And they read a lot of incorrect information about how to protect themselves during that time.

Because of the explosion of information people have no time to do some deep thinking.

Because of the explosion of information people have no time to do some deep thinking deeply.

I think the first (thing to do) is to calm. People should have to judge thing with basic rational. And check the ionformaiton through official channels.

I think the biggest priority first (thing to do) is to be calm. People should have to judge things with basic rational rationally. And check the information through with official channels.