VIP Class Notes (Phil)

Today we focused on:

We talked about healthy living and how food and exercise can affect this.


Calories – the amount of energy in food and drink
Eg. To lose weight you need to burn calories

High/ low/ burn calories

Over weight – polite was of saying someone is fat
Eg. He is over weight

Protein – beef is high in protein

Carbohydrates – rice is high in carbohydrates

Processed food – food that is produced and not natural
Eg. Fast food is made from processed food

High blood pressure – medical condition
Eg. People who are overweight usually have high blood pressure

Speaking exercise

Food was more nature corrected to food was more natural

People care about healthy corrected to people care about their health


Why is it important to eat a healthy diet?
What kinds of food are good for losing weight and building muscle?