Email Service Notes (Jesse)

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Today a friend told me a story which I later thought very encouraging. If money were distributed equally to every person, one year later, the former rich would still be rich, and the former poor still poor. It is the differences in people’s insight that are making a difference outside. Therefore, we should try our best to enrich our inner world. If we are knowledgeable and wise enough inside, other great things will naturally come to you. Just as the Chinese saying goes: 腹有诗书气自华,A greater embrace of books will elevate your own grace.

Your Edited Email

Today a friend told me a story which I later thought (was) very encouraging. If money were distributed equally to every person, one year later / after a year, the former / the already rich would still be rich, and the former / the already poor would still be poor. It is the differences in people’s insight that are making a difference on the outside / that causes our lives to be the way they are. Therefore, we should try our best to enrich our inner world. If we are knowledgeable and wise enough on the inside, other great things will naturally come to us. Just as the Chinese saying goes: 腹有诗书气自华,A greater embrace of books will elevate your own grace.