VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


what do you miss the most about high school? what would you change if you could go back in time?


one person– 5 people


1.create (verb)= 创造
ex: we created a loving home together.
ex: I created a house in a game.

2. let= 让
ex: i won’t let you eat my food.
ex: I won’t let him use my room

3. allow= 允许
ex: am I allowed to enter the AC room?
ex: You are not allowed to come to the private room.
ex: you are not allowed to join the meeting.

4. allowance (noun)= 零花钱 the money your parents give you
ex: have you had allowance before?

5. elementary school/ primary school =小学
ex: I miss the time in elementary school.

6. envy (verb)= 羡慕
ex: Sometimes I really envy the kids in China, because they get lots of attention from their parents.

7. jealous of XX= 嫉妒XX
ex: I used to be jealous of my sister because she’s taller and skinnier than me.
ex: I’m jealous of the other students because they can study well.

8. teacher’s pet= teacher’s favorite student
ex: Hermione is the teacher’s pet, she always raises her hand to answer questions.
ex: I was the teacher’s pet, I would help her to erase the white board every class.

Speaking exercise

Did you have allowance when you were younger? How much? What did you do with it?

I had allowance when I was in primary school, because my parents was busy with their work, so I have 10 yuan a week. I would save my money and use a part of money to buy some pencils, other money for erasers. Every week, I could save more money than my brother. My brother will use my money to buy some toys.


I had allowance when I was in primary school, because my parents were busy with their work, so I had 10 yuan a week. I would save my money and use a part of the money to buy some pencils and erasers. Every week, I could save more money than my brother. My brother would use my money to buy some toys.

Writing exercise

I think love and being suitable are both of important. Love is miraculous, if two people fall in love, they can creative more together ,which one people can’t achieve. And if you love someone, you will receive some shortcoming of the other side. Love let people who maybe haven’t relationship before , build warm and trust. Being suitable is important too, two people have more common habit, experience and so on, maybe it’s more easy to get along with each other ,they will have more common topic to talk and more thing to do together. so if you want to have a happiness marriage, you should consider with more caution.


I think love and being suitable are both of important. Love is miraculous, if two people fall in love, they can create more things together, whereas it’s impossible to achieve for one person.  can’t achieve. And if you love someone, you will accept his/her shortcomings.  Love allows strangers to build warmth and trust. Being suitable is important too, two people have more common interests, experience and so on, maybe it’s easier to get along with each other ,they will have more common topic to talk with each other and more thing to do together. so if you want to have a happy marriage, you should consider with more caution.