VIP Class Notes (Tibo) [S]


Makes some sentences with the new vocabulary

Speaking exercise

Recently because coronavirus we worked from home in February. We still working from office in March.
We have not travelled, have not go out. we always take mask everyday and I reading as more emails as possible.
Actually I feel I listening and speaking is not good.

At home just not do anything, just have a rest, we checked emails everyday because factory don’t work in March.

Actually we sell on Amazon we sell is normal on January and February but March because coronavirus is stronger in America  / many people get sick in America our sales decreased 99%
Everyday one 1 sale.

Before you buy a product shipment about 2 days after you order but after the product shipment about 20 days after you order in March. so everyone think waiting to buy later.
I think 20 days is too long time, just we buy products in taobao if you shipped 20 days after you order maybe I won’t buy it / I will cancel the order.

you sell masks on amazon you must prove the quality.

These stores make a lot of money

first summer coming we sell AC parts so seasonal
2nd amazon ship is normal
About you buy a product shipment about 2 days after you order you receive your product about 7-10 days arrive your home so we sales go up 300% in this Month.

Recently because of the coronavirus we worked from home in February. We worked from the office in March.
We have not travelled, have not gone out. we always wear masks everyday and I read as many emails as possible. / I read as much as possible
Actually I feel my listening and speaking are not good / are worse than before.

At home we don’t do anything/ it’s hard to work at home, we just have a rest, we checked emails everyday because factories didn’t  work in March. / factories were closed in March.

Our sales on Amazon were normal in January and February but in March because the coronavirus is stronger in America  / many people got sick in America our sales decreased/plummeted 99%
Everyday 1 sale. /
We only have 1 sale per day/ we only sell 1 product per day 

Before when you bought a product the shipment would start about 2 days after your order/ before the virus the product would be shipped 2 days after an order but after the product shipment starts 30 days after you order in March. so customers prefer to buy later / customer don’t to buy now.

I think 30 days is too long,
for example when I buy products on taobao if the store ships 30 days after you order maybe I won’t buy it / I would cancel the order.
If I buy something on taobao and the shipment takes too long I would cancel the order.

if you sell masks on amazon you must prove their quality. 

These stores make a lot of money

Our sales will increase first because summer is coming and we sell AC parts so it is seasonal  / we sell more in summer
2nd because amazon shipment is back to normal 
When you buy a product shipment starts about 2 days after your order. / the product will be shipped 2 days after you buy it
you will receive your product in about 7-10 days. / the product will arrive after 7-10 days.

so our sales increased by / went up by 300% in this Month.


to receive 收到
I received 100 masks in February

seasonal (adj) : changing depending on the season / month
air conditioners is a seasonal business, we sell more in summer and winter.
Ice creams are seasonal products. Sales increase a lot in summer and decrease a lot in winter

to prove è¯æ˜Ž
The store must prove that the product is safe

to cancel : å–消
The event was cancelled because of the virus

per : for each
there is one book per student = 1 book for each student -> 1 student = 1 book
I go to SE 3 days per week = 3 days a week
He drives at 60km per hour in the city (60km/h)

to decrease : to go down
Our sales decreased by 5%

to increase : to go up
Our sales increased by 5%

to plummet : to decrease very fast
Our sales plummeted by 99%

to skyrocket : to increase very fast
Sales of masks skyrocketed by 90%

virus(n) 病毒
There is a new virus

to wear a mask : put the mask on your face
We all wear a mask because of the virus

to take a mask: take it in your hand / in your pocket…
I took some masks to the office to give them to my colleagues

shop / store 店铺
He opened a taobao store

disposable (adj) : you can only use once
I use disposable masks, I need to change every day
I used the disposable toothbrush in the hotel to brush my teeth

expensive (adj)è´µ
Masks are more expensive than before

cheap (adj)便宜
plane tickets are cheap because no one wants to fly

efficient (adj)效率高的
I am not efficient when I work from home

efficiently (adv)
I don’t work efficiently from home


coronavirus (co ro na vi rus)




January sales : 100
February sales : 80

use by to talk about the difference (100-80=20)
Our sales decreased by 20 in February / decreased by 20%
We increased our price by 10%

use to to talk about the result
Our sales decreased to 80 in February
We increased our price to USD585