VIP Online Class Notes (Li)[S]


eat out: to eat in a restaurant 在外用餐

eg. I don’t have enough time to cook so I eat out all the time.

flavour: 味道

eg. There are many different types of flavours.

savoury: salty or spicy not sweet in taste

eg. I prefer savoury snacks.

sweet tooth: 喜欢甜食

eg. Her sister has a sweet tooth.

spices: 香料

eg. Indian cuisine uses a lot of spices.

particularly: especially, more than usual 特别

eg. I particularly dislike Indian curry.

eg. They don’t seem particularly worried about being jobless.

stay away from: 离得远远的

eg. Stay away from me!

eg. I’ll stay away from any food that has organs.

organs: 内脏

hotpot: 火锅

eg. Eat hotpot/have hotpot


eg. I like stir-fried vegetables

eg. You can stir-fry chicken with vegetables.

troublesome: causing too many problems for someone 麻烦

eg. It’s too troublesome!

eg. Bob refuses to do anything that is too troublesome.

habit: 习惯

eg. Ordering food has become my habit.

hobby: 兴趣 

eg. Cooking is my hobby.

supplements: 补品

eg. Vitamin tablets are supplements.

eg. My parents refuse to take diet supplements.


There is less delicious restaurant outside 

There is less good food outside/ I can’t find a lot of delicious restaurants outside 

you can put them to the dish, but I don’t eat – you can add them to the dish, but I won’t eat them

I usually order I have ate in the store – I usually only order what I have eaten in-store 

Speaking exercise

I like to eat Chinese food. I don’t like to order pizza. I like many people share one dish. You can only taste one flavour. I like a little spicy but not too spicy. I don’t like Indian food, especially Indian curry. There are many kind of curry. I special don’t like Indian curry. It taste weird. Everything taste the same. If I eat hotpot with my friend, I will order pig brain.


I like to eat Chinese food. I don’t like to order/have/eat pizza. You can only taste one flavour. I like/prefer when many people share many/several dishes. I like a bit of spicy but not too spicy. I don’t like Indian food, especially Indian curry. There are many kinds/types of curry. I particularly dislike Indian curry. It tastes weird. Everything tastes the same. If I eat hotpot with my friend, I will order pig brain.


curry – ka-re

onion – un-ni-yan